Build and Manage Better Portfolios

  • Instantly search hundreds of companies and thousands of pages of filings.
  • Access the data you need seconds after filings, not hours later.
  • Track filing changes over time to spot trends.
  • Find diamonds in the rough.
  • Use detailed search criteria to uncover companies matching investment objectives.

Learn More

AI-powered search and validation for smarter, faster results

Equity data is growing at a faster pace than anyone could have anticipated. With the ever-expanding digital world, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to generate substantial growth for your equity portfolio using traditional research methods. Much of the critical data that tells the financial story about company is unstructured and almost impossible to extract using current analysis technologies. Obtaining in-depth analysis and insights is still a manual human task.

Quickly Locate the Most Important Data

Even the savviest hedge fund managers are becoming more reliant on technology to stay ahead of the changing financial tide. Vistalytics EDGE was developed to help hedge fund managers stay ahead of the game using natural language search that’s based on an AI technology and provides in-depth equity analysis across more companies much faster than ever before.

Analysis at Market Speed

Material changes to corporate performance are often hidden within hundreds of pages of unstructured documentation and filings. Now you can quickly uncover the most subtle updates and changes in seconds, and direct your focus on determining what the changes mean.

Side by Side Comparison

Never let a change slip through the cracks. Monitor key filing updates over time, and view the changes from one filing to the next side by side to see where updates are happening.

Google-Like Search and Automation

Using natural-language search you can conduct research deep into scenario risks and opportunities, model and test your strategies, make predictions, and create theme and scenariobased stock portfolios that provide consistent positive alpha.

Accelerate Growth

Discover Ideas Faster: This hyper-fast engine analyzes data so
quickly that you can spend less time researching and more time
working with your clients.

Find Hidden Opportunities: Identifies meaningful patterns between
thousands of companies and uncovers gems-for-growth that
competitors miss and investors love.

Build High-performance Portfolios: Helps predict changes, trends,
and future risks and opportunities so you can meet your investor’s
growth objectives and achieve higher revenue.

Manage Risk

Automate Daily Routines: Schedules analysis projects so you can
ensure routine tasks are completed on time.

Avoid Costly Mistakes: Provides alerts and reporting so you reduce
the risk of missing opportunities and sell triggers.

Obtain Relevant, Shareable Intelligence: Uncovers hidden risks
that are not obvious, so you can minimize your investors’ risk and
protect their portfolios.

Increase Profit

Natural Language Search: Use everyday words to conduct research
and analysis so you will be quickly proficient without special skills
or training.

Improve Portfolio Predictability: Innovative modeling helps you
build, rebalance, test and back-test stock portfolios so you can
provide consistent returns on investment with positive alpha.

Constantly Improve Portfolio Value: The AI engine learns and
constantly improves analysis, so you can beat competitors and
bots while improving your returns and reputation.